Middle School
The middle school values not only academic rigor but also the development of personal character and strong social skills. Our program allows students to grow in a variety of ways as they work to fulfill their potential.
Educating Minds and Hearts
Our school’s tagline, Journeying Beyond Knowledge to Wisdom, is the genuine goal of our educators. As a Christian school, we are committed to educating not only the minds of our students but also their hearts. For us, education goes beyond academics as we help students grow in their faith, make good life choices, and understand the importance of a biblical worldview. Conversations between students and teachers in the halls are not simply focused on grades and college but also on who students are, where they are going, and why they are headed there. Our most fervent prayer is that our graduates leave our school prepared to have a deep and meaningful impact on the world for Christ.
Academic Rigor
The middle school program combines high academic standards with creative instruction and personal attention from our teachers. In addition to all of the standard academic courses, our middle school doubles the standard daily language arts requirements from 45 to 90 minutes each day. Our fully certified staff promotes learning through dynamic projects such as radio drama in English, documentary-style films in social studies, and engaging labs in science. New students at Morrison Academy find the learning environment to be both highly challenging and very collaborative.
Character Development & Service Learning
Also essential to the Morrison Academy middle school is an emphasis on character development and service learning. Our counseling office recognizes that students encounter many social and emotional challenges in the middle school years, and each year students are equipped to deal with these challenges through our guidance program. Middle school students are also well supplied with opportunities to develop their character through service learning trips per year, Spiritual Emphasis Week, Bible class, and weekly chapels.
Electives and Extra Curriculars
Middle schoolers at given the opportunity to choose electives to complement their core courses. These electives include film, orchestra, band, choir, yearbook, podcasting, the weekly Bronco Show, team sports, and debate. Additionally, the school athletic program offers soccer, volleyball, softball, and basketball. As a result of their diversity of experiences, students have the opportunity to become well-rounded individuals.
Learning Beyond the Classroom
The middle school values learning outside of the standard classroom environment. In addition to the various learning experiences offered in electives and extra curriculars, students participate in such dynamic events as the seventh grade culture trip. On this trip, seventh graders travel outside of the Taipei area to learn more about Taiwan. Additionally, the school widely participates in and often hosts the World Scholar’s Cup program. Through this program students learn about a global theme through a wide variety of subjects, ultimately participating in regional and international debate and writing tournaments.