MAT Bus Information

Top 10 Things all students and parents should know about MAT Bus Services
關於 MAT 巴士服務所有學生和家長都應該知道的的 10 件事


  1. Arrive at the bus stop a few minutes before the designated departure time.
  2. When boarding and leaving the bus, avoid pushing and shoving.
  3. Passengers must take a seat, wear a seatbelt, and remain seated during the entire trip. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before leaving your seat.
  4. Food and bottled drinks are allowed on the bus. However, students need to be responsible for taking care of their own trash.
    巴士上允許攜帶食物和瓶裝飲料 , 但是學生需要負責處理自己的垃圾。
  5. Students are expected to keep their hands, feet, and personal property to themselves. Use electronic devices wisely on the bus. Please do not pass or share your devices and no sound should be audible from your device. (Refrain from creating disturbances and / or fighting).
    學生應保持自己的手腳和個人財物靠近自己。請在車上謹慎適當的使用電子設備 , 不要傳遞或共享您的設備,不能使用擴音並需把設備設為靜音。(避免製造騷亂和/或爭吵)。
  6. Students are expected to use appropriate language at all times and refrain from loud talking ( ex: no swearing, crude joking, making fun of others, shouting, etc.)
  7. Each student is responsible for the condition of the space he / she occupies while on the bus. Keep it clean and free from damage. Students are responsible for any damage that they cause.
    每個學生都要對自己在校車上佔用的空間狀況負責 , 保持清潔。學生需要對他們造成的任何損壞負責。
  8. Keep the aisles clear. Keep book-bags and other belongings on your lap or in a vacant seat.
    保持通道暢通 , 將書包和其他物品放在膝上或空座位上。
  9. Please respect all adults and bus captains and obey their directions immediately.
  10. If you need to make any changes to your bus service, please make sure that your child knows that he/she is changing buses, and is responsible for getting on the correct bus (or not getting on a bus). Bus change requests should be submitted latest by 1:30pm on the effective date of change.
    如果您需要對您的巴士服務進行任何更改,請確保您的孩子知道他 / 她將要乘搭的正確巴士路線(或不上巴士)。變更申請截止時間為變更生效日期的下午 1:30 前


Bus fees (per semester)

  • Round Trip 雙程: NT 18,000
  • One Way 單程: NT 10,000
  • Late Bus Option 晚班 (5:30 pm bus): Extra NT 2,000 will be incurred.
  • Single Ride One Way 單次: NT 200

MAT Bus Refund Policy 退款政策

Regular bus fee refund 雙程或單程退款政策

Cancel before school starts: full refund
學期開始以前申請取消: 全額退款

Cancel within 4 weeks after the start of school: charged by rides (200NT per ride)
開學4週以內申請取消: 以單次收費計算後, 可退扣除後的金額

Cancel 4 weeks after the start of school: no refund

Late bus fee refund 晚班車退款政策

Cancel before private lessons or relevant sports season starts: full refund
有報名相關課後活動開始以前取消: 全額退款

Cancel within 2 weeks after private lessons or relevant sports season starts: charged by rides (200 NT per ride)
有報名相關課後活動開始2週以內申請取消: 以單次收費計算後, 可退扣除後的金額

Cancel 2 weeks after private lessons or relevant sports season starts: no refund

Bus Driver List 巴士司機名單 (Limited Access / 僅供搭乘巴士之學生家長使用)